KBA Stop, Sip and Shop
The Kenmore Business Association invites you to its Annual Stop Sip & Shop the Blocks in the Village of Kenmore! On December 7th, support small and local businesses along Delaware Avenue from 4:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Enjoy food, drink, carolers, basket raffles, and so much more!
Some of our Chamber members are hosting vendors on this fun night.
Stop in and say Hello:
#mikesubs #diversifiedhearingandbalance #michaelsfloraldesign #fatteybeer #surgerestaurant #tastefullysimplebyjann #watsonschocolate #boardandbrushcreativestudio #optaviaweightloss #mojomarket #paulwolfagency #mikeandpopsbistroandtavern

Date and Time
Thursday Dec 7, 2023
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
December 7th 4 PM - 8 PM
Village of Kenmore local businesses, take a stroll along Delaware Ave and explore the various vendors
Business profiles and media exposure
Social media promotional efforts: Website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
Chamber mailings
e-Newsletter updates
Ribbon Cuttings
Business cards and materials displayed in Chamber office
Networking mixers
Special events
Educational meetings
Business referrals
Free business counseling
Member to Member Discounts
Business advocate
Health insurance
And much more!