Town of Tonawanda
Rep/Contact Info
Kevin Keenan
Communications Consultant
- Phone: (716) 253-6444
- Send an Email
- 438 Main St #500 Buffalo NY 14217
Noelle Miller
Town Water Engineering Dept
- Phone: (716) 877-8804
- Send an Email
- 2919 Delaware Ave. Kenmore NY 14217
James Stauffiger
Police Chief
- Phone: (716) 877-8804
- Send an Email
- 2919 Delaware Ave. Kenmore NY 14217
Jeanne Stewart
Assistant to the Supervisor
- Phone: (716) 877-8804
- Send an Email
- 2919 Delaware Ave. Kenmore NY 14217
Business profiles and media exposure
Social media promotional efforts: Website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
Chamber mailings
e-Newsletter updates
Ribbon Cuttings
Business cards and materials displayed in Chamber office
Networking mixers
Special events
Educational meetings
Business referrals
Free business counseling
Member to Member Discounts
Business advocate
Health insurance
And much more!